
Floating Sandbox

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The physics of the high seas is quite different from that you experience on dry land. And Floating Sandbox knows it better than anyone! Hold your breath, guys, cause we’re about to take a plunge right into this awesome sandbox (or rather waterbox) of fun and thrill!

Turn the ocean upside down!

Picture this: you’re the master of your own waterverse, where you get to build, destroy, and experiment with all kinds of objects and scenarios. From sinking ships to sending giant tsunamis, the possibilities are as endless as the sea itself! It’s like having your own private dimension to play around in, and you will surely be excited with everything you can get to do here.

Now, let’s talk about the toys at your disposal – massive cruise ships, sleek battle ships, tiny agile motor boats, basic fishing boats, and much, much more. Want to see what happens when a cruiser collides with an iceberg? Go for it! Ever wondered if a tornado can lift a tanker off the water surface? Well, wonder no more, because you can make it happen!

But that’s not all – the real fun begins when you start messing with the physics. Increase gravity to watch objects plummet like lead balloons, or reduce it to see things float like feathered bubbles. And let’s not forget the power of explosions – make objects go boom in a glorious symphony of destruction! Stage epic naval battles, grandiose shipwrecks and breathtaking natural disasters. Explore the vast possibilities of Floating Sandbox and enjoy every moment of your wild voyage!

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