Super Mario RPG

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When a malevolent entity shatters Star Road, scattering seven-star pieces across the land, chaos ensues. Mario, alongside new friends and unexpected allies, must recover the star pieces and save the kingdom from impending doom! Help him immediately!

The story unfolds in a vibrant world teeming with quirky characters, each with their unique personalities and contributions to the tale. The story weaves Mario’s signature charm with an engaging plot line, blending humor and adventure.


Fusing the beloved Mario universe with role-playing game elements, Super Mario RPG introduces an innovative gameplay experience. Players explore the diverse landscape, encountering puzzles, secrets, and challenging enemies while progressing through the story.

Explore strategic battles, timing attacks and defenses for maximum impact. Timely button presses during combat yield extra attacks or defenses, adding a layer of skill and interactivity to encounters.
Character progression is pivotal. Mario and companions gain experience, learn new abilities, and equip various gear to enhance their skills in battle. Special moves showcase flashy animations and require precise inputs to execute devastating moves.

Have fun!

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