Lethal Company

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A forsaken world, once a bustling industrial hub, is now reduced to ruins and teeming with unearthly creatures. A ragtag group of scrap metal collectors undertakes the daunting task of salvaging the remnants of this abandoned planet. Fog-shrouded horrors are at every turn…

Forge ahead in this cooperative escapade, relying on seamless teamwork. Your mission isn’t merely to gather metal debris but to conquer the spooky landscape while combating the ruthless monsters. Equipped with shovels, grenades, and an array of tools available for procurement, meet material quotas by dismantling metal and concrete structures.

Challenges will surprise you

The real ordeal commences post-dusk when wielding a flashlight, halving productivity. Beware the perilous task of ferrying metals back to the ship—defenseless when all players are vulnerable. For a more daunting experience, embrace the New Moon contract, amplifying the intensity of this spine-chilling gameplay. Gather your companions, get ready for relentless challenges, and confront the frightening terrors.
Lethal Company is designed for true lovers of extraordinary entertainment. Are you one of them? Go to your first moon!

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