Kick the Buddy

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Get ready to unleash your inner rage in Kick the Buddy! This insane and brutally delightful game lets you take out all your frustrations on a lovable little ragdoll named Buddy. Don’t worry, he won’t really get hurt! So don’t cut him any slack and let’s go!

There is really nothing to explain much about the gameplay – kick, punch, slap, and blast Buddy to your heart’s content. The only rule is to let loose and go wild, and Buddy is here to help you along! The game is packed with an arsenal of wacky weapons and gadgets that would surely delight any maniac. From explosive rockets to ridiculous firearms, there’s no shortage of ways to take Buddy down! And the more you play, the more options will become available to you. And you can combine them in all possible ways to create a truly epic festival of death for your virtual scapegoat!

Give Buddy some bloody hard time!

And don’t forget the hilarious reactions – Buddy’s expressions and screams will have you giggling like a psyched serial killer! You can even customize Buddy’s appearance and surroundings. Dress him up, change the scenery, and create the perfect setting for your chaotic masterpiece.

Kick the Buddy is a fun and effective outlet for all your pent-up frustrations. Whenever you feel angry, or worked up, or upset about something, you can take it out on Buddy and get back to the real world all at peace and at ease. Talk about the therapeutic effect! So dive into the mayhem, explore your vast torture arsenal, and let Buddy be your virtual stress ball!

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