Let’s Find Larry

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Let’s Find Larry – you’d better not accept it….

Initial familiarity with the game in no way hints to you that it’s a horror game. Wait for the right moment and you’ll have an insight!


It was a beautiful day, and you decided to take a walk in the park. Suddenly, you saw him! It’s your best friend from the past! Memories of him take you back to your high school days. Larry is easy to find when it’s just the two of you at a location. But what if the task is complicated by a few dozen characters? Memorize your target’s face, and give it a try!

You’ll definitely be surprised by the game’s graphics, especially the appearance of all the characters. It makes you uncomfortable…

Take your trusty magnifying glass and try to activate one hundred percent of your attentiveness. Examine closely each character, and do not die laughing! I think that man on the bottom right looks like Larry. Yes! You found him. Let’s move on.

With each find, the locations change, making the game harder to play. You are already in a neighborhood with several houses, an intersection and cars. Where is this Larry? Where is he hiding this time? Look at the location from different angles to reach the goal.

So far, there’s nothing scary going on. Keep playing, and you’ll be in for an unreal shock!

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