Hollow Cocoon

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Hollow Cocoon transports players into an absorbing and eerie world of horror, set against the backdrop of 1980s rural Japan. This first-person adventure follows the story of Minato Jinba, a university student who ventures back to his mother’s childhood village, Ichinose. Located in a secluded mountainous area, Ichinose is steeped in mystery and traditional folklore. Minato’s journey begins as a mission of familial concern, with his grandmother’s grave health condition drawing him to the village. However, what starts as a family obligation soon spirals into a chilling tale of the supernatural.

As Minato delves deeper into the village’s enigmatic environment, he encounters more than just the shadows of his family’s past. The game cleverly intertwines personal history with elements of Japanese horror, leading Minato to confront not only his strained relationship with his grandmother, Kinu Miyama, but also a series of unnerving and inexplicable events. The game brilliantly uses Minato’s grandmother’s tales about silkworms as a metaphorical thread, weaving through the narrative and adding layers of meaning to Minato’s experiences in Ichinose.

Hollow Cocoon challenges players with its complex narrative that branches into multiple endings based on the choices made during gameplay. This branching narrative structure provides a rich, replayable experience as players explore the various paths Minato’s story can take. The game caters to a diverse audience with its adjustable difficulty levels, allowing for an accessible yet engaging experience for all players. To enhance player comfort, “Hollow Cocoon” includes options to minimize motion sickness, such as adjustable camera settings and a stabilizing central dot display. This thoughtful design ensures that a wide range of players can enjoy the game’s immersive story without discomfort. With both auto-save and manual save options, the game offers a user-friendly experience, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the haunting world of Ichinose and uncover the secrets hidden within Hollow Cocoon.

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