Tasty Planet

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Imagine a planet with a mind of its own. And a very hungry one! In the deliciously delightful world of Tasty Planet, you’ll embark on a mouth-watering journey as you control a little and voracious blob, hungry for everything in sight!

You start as a tiny blob and feast on anything smaller than you. But hold on! As you grow bigger, you’ll devour larger objects, like plants, animals, and even entire cities! But that’s not all – the bigger you get, the more bizarre your dining options become. Picture this: chomping on a T-Rex like it’s a snack or swallowing an entire spaceship like it’s a little pill. It’s like experiencing a culinary journey through time and space!

Get a snack of planetary size!

The levels are filled with quirky humor and creative scenarios. From gobbling up historical landmarks to snacking on astronauts in outer space, the adventure is full of surprises and giggles. You’ll surely find yourself wondering what comes next. But watch out – there are challenges along the way, like dodging hazards and avoiding larger predators. You wanna keep them at bay or you may end up as dinner yourself! And this is the risk that always exists in this game.

Tasty Planet is a fascinating gastronomic obstacle course, where your appetite knows no bounds. Will you be able to maximize your growth rate and avoid all the bigger and hungrier entities out there? Or will you crush on someone’s mean teeth like a pack of chips? Join this wacky feast for the senses, embrace the gluttony, and let your tiny blob become the tastiest terror in town!

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