Who’s Your Daddy

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In the whimsical multiplayer game “Who’s Your Daddy,” two participants assume the roles of father and newborn. The father’s pivotal role is safeguarding the child from potential hazards lurking around, be it open toilets, leftover food, or exposed electrical outlets. Conversely, the child’s objective? To dive into mischief and hastily end their own life! Are you intrigued by this exciting concept?

Within fleeting rounds, the baby’s vitality wanes upon consuming perilous items or encountering hazardous objects. Once the child meets an untimely demise, the game concludes. The father strives to maintain the child’s well-being until the mother returns, salvaging the family from impending disaster.

The game’s graphics further amplify its whimsical ambiance.

For the father:

– Vigilance is important: remain observant of potential threats and swiftly address dangers.
– Keep crucial items like safety plugs handy to cover exposed sockets.
– Promptly attend to the baby’s needs to prevent hazardous situations.

For the child:

– Ingeniously seek out and access unsafe objects or foods to deplete your health.
– Actively explore the house to discover hidden perilous situations.
– Stay ahead of the father by finding potential threats he might overlook.

Let’s go!

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